Excellent Justin! Tom and Mikayla are expecting the first child this summer. I know they are in support of all this too. Keep up the good job of spreading the word.

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Thank you! That is exciting news. Kids are the best! They will be great parents.

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Also, you haven’t met my husband Dave, but he’s your biggest fan. He’s all over getting your generation to realize the lunacy of current politics.

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That's awesome! I'd love to meet him.

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I agree with most of what you wrote above. Curious your thoughts on school choice and it's potential effect on private/home schooling. While it's be nice to just take your money and put it towards the education of your child(ren) however you choose. Government money typically comes with strings attached and is that trade off something that you'd be willing to deal with?

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One other point I forgot to make. The government always has the ability to restrict our rights and regulate us. Right now we are winning on this issue. I would much rather be on the offensive expanding our rights than on the defensive trying to justify keeping what we have. Our movement has clear data showing it is far superior than the status quo. Parents are more motivated than ever make a big change. Teacher unions have been exposed as completely adversarial to parents and our kids. We are in a position to lead. Let’s take it and benefit more than just our own kids.

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I think government meddling in private/home school is a big concern, but I think it will ultimately be similar to how it is done now. Blue states will have more meddling and red states will have less. States like Texas and Florida won’t introduce much of any strings on private/home school. New York, I think even they will come around to school choice eventually, will enact many strings. It is up to the voters to push what they want. The latest Texas bill would keep no oversight, other than the funds being in accounts that can only go towards education. Of course, I would be completely opposed to government strings on these funds. You are definitely right to concerned about that, though. I am too.

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