Pulitzer Prize Winning Investigative Journalist: USA and Norway Destroyed Russian Pipelines
...And Biden Gave the Order
Seymour Hersh, the investigative journalist who broke the Vietnam War My Lai Massacre story and coverup, as well as the Iraq War Abu Ghraib story, among many others, detailed how the US and Norway worked together to detonate explosives at the bottom of the Baltic Sea in order to destroy the four Nord Stream pipelines that link Russia and Germany. If true, this is huge. While this highly classified operation has been denied by both the US and Norwegian governments, it is logically the most likely scenario that explains the September 26, 2022 explosions. The facts point to them, too.
The US government would have you believe Russia did it to their own pipeline - a tough swallow. What we have instead are two NATO members directly attacking multibillion dollar Russian assets. Who said Russia has nothing to fear from NATO expansion? The attack is no less than an act of war and we are naive to think Russia will not respond. World Wars have started over much less.
What’s more is the attack order appears to have come directly from Joe Biden, without congressional approval or oversight, as special operations typically do. Biden’s foreign policy cannot be explained away as hapless or even incompetent. He simply has bad judgement and no regard for the constitution. On this front, it should be straightforward to draw up articles of impeachment for violating the constitution in an egregious manner.
Read Hersh’s report.